
Pollock, Kassandra&Sabrina - The Nassaus of Luxembourg

Pollock, Kassandra&Sabrina - The Nassaus of Luxembourg
This new dynastic biography focuses on Grand Duke Adolphe of Luxembourg, the former Duke Adolph of Nassau, and his descendants. Divided in eight chapters, THE NASSAUS OF LUXEMBOURG covers the life of Grand Duke Adolphe, Grand Duke Guillaume IV, Grand Duchess Marie Adelaide, Grand Duchess Charlotte (including Grand Duke Jean and Grand Duke Henri), Princess Hilda of Schwarzenberg, Crown Princess Antonia of Bavaria, Princess Elisabeth of Thurn und Taxis and Princess Sophie of Saxony. With the assistance of several descendants of Grand Duke Guillaume, the authors have managed to piece together an interesting narrative, while bringing to the English-reading public the history of one of Europe's most respected dynasties. Hardbound and glossy-paged, this volume contains hundreds of photos of many of Duke Adolphe's descendants. Many of these images were donated by the family, a considerable number were taken by one of the authors, while the rest come from the Pollocks' private collection, as well as the Eurohistory Archive.

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