Het tweede kwartaalnummer van 2008 bevat de volgende onderwerpen:
Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach; a family album door Charlotte Zeepvat / Royal Ephemera, part 2 door Robert Golden / The lost Prince; Baudouin of Belgium door Charlotte Zeepvat / The Romanovs in Nice door Marion Wynn / Prince Albert's sister and the other shady Coburgs door Richard Thornton / Imperial connections, a little detection in St. Petersburg door Michael L. Nash / "That aggressive vicious, sister of yours..." Elisabet & Catherine, Empress & Queen door DeeAnn Hoff / Royal photographers Strangers in Madrid: F&E Debas / Tombs, graves and monuments; The Princely family of Liechtenstein door Sue Woolmans en Karen Roth / Postscript to the Last Grand Duke door Charlotte Zeepvat / The WorldWideWeb of Royalty.